PLEASE HELP NOW!   We all are deeply saddened by the daily news of the continuing catastrophe unfolding in Ukraine. We at CONU are hearing directly from our front-line missionaries about the devastation and terrible attacks on innocent families, women, children, elderly, and the handicapped. At the same time, we’re inspired by the tenacity and bravery of the Ukrainian people. CONU has reached deep into our funding to help keep safe the Ukrainian people in three of our dioceses that have been in the center of the madness. Our latest distribution of funding is being used to assist refugees who need protection and care for war victims placed in harm’s way. Unfortunately, due to the extent and duration of the impact from these terrible times, our ability to provide continued support to these efforts and our previous mission is in jeopardy of being discontinued. Therefore, now more than ever, we ask for your prayers and financial support for our brave brothers and sisters in Ukraine. To learn more about our mission and history, please visit our website at There’s a top menu option to donate to our charity. 100% of donations are used to support current needs while doing our best to continue our humanitarian causes to provide healthcare, single-mother support, and revive Christianity in the Ukrainian people.

UPDATE: Our donation web page has been updated so that potential donors can specifically designate their contributions for refugee relief. That is the most immediate and pressing need. Help us help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine! Thank you and may God bless you!